Wednesday, March 2, 2011

feel the fat.

I've been exercising on a regular freaking basis. oh yes I have. 
It feels so much better! I'm not really that tired anymore!
I wanna be in shape, for SUMMER.
Maybe I'll become tan and flaunt my legs for once in my life.
I want SUMMER holy freaking cow.

And I need to start tanning, so sun, hurry up mmmk?
Reach out, and give us all some sun. We all need it.
It's the one thing I want to change, the weather.
I went running tonight with my pup, and stopped in the middle of the dim lit road.
I stood there, trusting my soul to the world.
The rain was sprinkling on the lenses of my glasses, I didn't care.
I opened my mouth, and let my tongue hang out. 
I love feeling that way, carefree.
I opened my eyes and looked up at that distance in the sky.
What is up there? Why am I here?
Frank stretched his front paws up to my knees, and looked at me with an eager expression.
I started to run again, and he ran by my side
and for that moment;
I experienced bliss.
I love life.
This curious, short, eager, contagious, opinionated life.
I really do.

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